Ooooooooooo — Que Dolor!!! Just looking at the way el Torero has fallen — directly onto his neck and head — brings me thoughts of great pain and anguish. I guess that’s what he gets for challenging a beast of beasts – El Gran Toro — to “una corrida” or bullfight. And this […]
Foto del Día: Enfrentamiento Hecho Cuernazo en La Plaza de Toros – Quito, Ecuador

Foto del Día: Sometimes All You Have To Say Is “F*CK IT” And Just Live!!! (w/Santiago)

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must say… “Fuck It!” And just live… And get groserías tattooed on your arm because you’re that much of a badass. Props to my man Santiago out there in Bogotá!!! And for anyone interested in learning a little bit about the Spanish of that there […]
Foto del Día: Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky – Parapente en San Gil, Colombia

Here are some snaps from my first ever trip to Colombia way back in 2010. I remember hearing tale among other travelers of an extreme sports paradise ’round Santander, Colombia, and that it was based out of a small city called San Gil. There you could go hiking, white water rafting, cave exploring and even […]
Foto del Día: Challenging Gravity at La Mitad del Mundo (w/Clara)

Due to certain phenomena that occurs along the line that divides the northern and southern hemisphere (a.k.a the Equator) gravity can actually help you balance an egg — stand it straight up — over the head of a nail, as the yolk is being pulled straight down towards the center of the Equator. […]
Introducing La Foto del Día: Daily Travel Photography From Latin America and Beyond on

“Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliott Erwitt Welcome to “La Foto del Día“of! This post marks the beginning of what I like […] Presents… Los Ritmos de Colombia Mixtape Vol. II

Here we are back again with the second installment of our Mixtape series dedicated to the sounds and rhythms of Colombia (If you missed Vol. 1, Check it out here). Within it, you’ll find a very eclectic selection of music that represents a wide variety of regions, styles and sounds throughout the country. Again, I didn’t stray too […]
Plan de Acción 2013: Lookin’ Up and Out (and Back) on Travel, Learning and Life

“If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to build theirs.” — Tony Gaskins “If you’re going to try, go all the way, there is no other feeling like that. / you will be alone with the gods / and the nights will flame with fire…. you will ride life straight to / perfect […] Presents…Una Oda al Nach Scratch Mixtape

In honor of my favorite, I say, favorite Spanish language rapero, Nach Scratch, performing in Quito, Ecuador in 2 days — for the first time ever at latitud 0 — I’ve put together a mixtape composed with some of my favorite cuts, rimas and ritmos for all of you to enjoy, hopefully as much as […]
Why I Travel (Part 3): ¡A Huevo! Mexicano Dishwashers

“Who’s more indispensable during the Saturday night dinner rush: the French chef or the Mexican dishwasher?” “The dishwasher. We can make it through the night without the chef. If the dishwasher doesn’t show up, we’re doomed. “ – Anthony Bourdain. “The limits of my language are the limits of my universe” – Austrian Philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein […]
Why I Travel (Part 2): Hip Hop, “White Lightning,” and the Disposable Camera

“I speak with criminal slang, that’s just the way that I talk yo, vocabulary spills, I’m ill…” – From “Ebonics” by Big L When I first discovered Hip-Hop I was in the 6th Grade. The year was 1997 and I was eleven years old. It came to me one fine morning in the form […]