Embracing the “Psycho-Tropical-Electric-Cumbia-Dance-Party-Funk” of Colombia’s own, Bomba Estéreo, at Corferias in Bogotá… And to add a little “brío en tu brinco” (Pep in your step) and throw down with some most rockin’ colombian grooves, I says check out Bomba Estéreo and other música colombiana on the “Los Ritmos de Colombia” Mixtapes Vol. 1 & […]
Foto del Día: ¡ESTALLA! Embracing Electro-Cumbia-Pycho-Dance-Funk with Colombia´s “Bomba Estéreo” (Bogotá, Colombia)

Foto del Día: Todo es Luz y Amor – Everything is Light and Love!!! (Caribbean Coast, Colombia)

Everything is light and love (and slow shutter speeds) on the caribbean coast of Colombia… EANTF
Foto del Día: Usted Está Aquí y Ahora… Take The Leap!!! (Baños, Ecuador)

(Click on the thumbnails below to view images in a gallery) You are here and now…(Usted está aquí y ahora…) Inhale slow…(Inhala lentamente…) Close your eyes…(Cierra los ojos…) Take that leap!!! (¡¡¡Da un salto!!!) EANTF.
Foto del Día: Una Oda al CouchSurfing.org Bogotá!!!

Foto-homenaje-Oda to all my good peoples of the Couchsurfing.org Bogotá traveler’s group — el parche más bacán de todos!!! — se les quiere demasiado… EANTF.
Foto del Día: Friday Portrait Series – Exploring the Dungeons of “El Castillo de San Felipe” in Cartagena (w/Alanna)

Subterranean portraits of my friend/traveler/fellow Brooklynite, Alanna, with whom I dug deep into the dungeons and underground passage ways of the mighty “Castillo de San Felipe” of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia for the first time in 2010. EANTF.
Foto del Día: “Perro Come Perro” On The Historic Streets of Cartagena, Colombia

In which I follow a fur-covered friend (Simón – named after El Gran Libertador) as he wanders around the historic center streets of Cartagena de indias, Colombia getting into dog adventures… EANTF.
Foto del Día: Una Oda al “Llapingacho” – Traditional Cuisine from the Ecuadorian Highlands

Just a little Photo-Ode to probably what is one of the greatest “comidas típicas” (traditional foods) of the Americas, namely the highland regions of Ecuador — “El llapingacho:” Fried mashed potato pancakes stuffed with cheese (Se me hace agua la boca!!! It makes my mouth water!!!) A typical plate of Llapingacho is usually served with: Chorizo […]
Foto del Día: Origins of “El Dorado” – Ancient Artworks and Pre-Hispanic Gold at El Museo del Oro (Bogotá, Colombia)

Word around the campfire is that the legend of “El Dorado,” what was believed by many conquistadores and explorers to be a lost city and vast kingdom of GOLD in the “New World” — has its origins in what is now modern day Colombia. Legend has it (depicted in the second photo above) that when the […]
Foto del Día: Vigilando La Ciudad de Cali, Colombia – El Monumento Cristo Rey

Similar to the “Cristo Redentor” of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, “El Monumento Cristo Rey” of Colombia looks over (vigilar) the city of Santiago de Cali with open arms… EANTF.