Nosotros podemos… (We can…) Brincar hemisferios en solo un salto… (jump hemispheres in just one leap) Cruzar el gran círculo del mundo que yace a “latitud 0…” (Cross the great circle of earth that lies at “latitude 0.”) Y capturar el instante exacto con velocidades rápidas del obturador…( And capture the exact instant with […]
Foto del Día: Leaping Hemispheres @ La Mitad del Mundo (Con la Clara)
Foto del Día: Behold – El Escarabajo Hercules – Rhinoceros Beetles of the Ecuadorian Amazon!!!
Behold — Just one of the many creatures that go bump in the night in the amazon rain forests of Ecuador — El Escarabajo Hercules: The largest of the Rhinoceros beetles (los escarabajos rinoceronte) native to the rain forests of Ecuador, and other parts of Central and South America. These particular beetles were found […]
Foto del Día: Friday Portrait Series – “Los Guaguas” Jugando y El Breaker Miguel Bailando – Quito, Ecuador
Children almost always provide amazing portrait opportunities. They never hold anything back — I don’t think they know how to! — which can usually result in some real honest and authentic expression in photos. One fine september day of last year I happened to stumble upon hip hop festival called “Alfaro Vive,” a most […]