Subterranean portraits of my friend/traveler/fellow Brooklynite, Alanna, with whom I dug deep into the dungeons and underground passage ways of the mighty “Castillo de San Felipe” of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia for the first time in 2010. EANTF.
Foto del Día: Friday Portrait Series – Exploring the Dungeons of “El Castillo de San Felipe” in Cartagena (w/Alanna)

Foto del Día: “Perro Come Perro” On The Historic Streets of Cartagena, Colombia

In which I follow a fur-covered friend (Simón – named after El Gran Libertador) as he wanders around the historic center streets of Cartagena de indias, Colombia getting into dog adventures… EANTF.
Foto del Día: Origins of “El Dorado” – Ancient Artworks and Pre-Hispanic Gold at El Museo del Oro (Bogotá, Colombia)

Word around the campfire is that the legend of “El Dorado,” what was believed by many conquistadores and explorers to be a lost city and vast kingdom of GOLD in the “New World” — has its origins in what is now modern day Colombia. Legend has it (depicted in the second photo above) that when the […]
Foto del Día: Vigilando La Ciudad de Cali, Colombia – El Monumento Cristo Rey

Similar to the “Cristo Redentor” of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, “El Monumento Cristo Rey” of Colombia looks over (vigilar) the city of Santiago de Cali with open arms… EANTF.
Foto del Día: Araña Monstruosa, Por Favor, ¡No Me Piques! — El Parque Nacional de Tayrona, Colombia

Hiking towards “El Pueblito” of El Parque Nacional de Tayrona (Just go. Go Now. ¡Vayase Ya!) along the Colombian caribbean, I happened upon this massive araña (spider), which, fortunately for me, was just about to begin eating its evening meal of polilla (mmmm…moth). EANTF
Foto del Día: Experiments in Fotografía Callejera at “Latitud 0” – Quito, Ecuador

The results of a ‘lil experimenting with fotografía callejera (street photography) at “latitud 0” — pursuing honest shots of vendedores ambulantes (traveling merchants) ’round the city center of Quito, Ecuador. EANTF.
Foto del Día: Crowd Surfing El Petronio Álvarez Music Festival – Cali, Colombia

In which my crew of fellow mochileros and I decide to take the festivities of El Petronio Álvarez — a 5 day folkloric music festival in Cali, Colombia dedicated to all things Afro-colombian of the pacific coast — to the next level… And when I say ” next level” I really mean […]
Foto del Día: Reading (En Español) Frees You in Cali, Colombia

Reading (en español) Liberates You!!!
Foto del Día: Enfrentamiento Hecho Cuernazo en La Plaza de Toros – Quito, Ecuador

Ooooooooooo — Que Dolor!!! Just looking at the way el Torero has fallen — directly onto his neck and head — brings me thoughts of great pain and anguish. I guess that’s what he gets for challenging a beast of beasts – El Gran Toro — to “una corrida” or bullfight. And this […]