Chiste del Día: Pregunta: What do you get when you cross a “prepago” (Literally means: “Prepay or advance payment” but is used in Colombian spanish to refer to a “lady of the night”) with Colombia’s most notorious drug lord? Respuesta: A Pre-Pablo! EANTF…
Foto del Día: Eating “Big Ass’d Ants” (Hormigas Culonas) in Bogotá, Colombia (w/Drew)

In Colombia exists what is a tasty treat to many — Hormigas Culonas or “Big Assed Ants” — that come from the Santander region and are eaten as a delicacy throughout the country. Around april of every year, these “treats” become available to eat with the arrival of the rainy season. They are caught, […]
Foto del Día: Crowd Surfing El Petronio Álvarez Music Festival – Cali, Colombia

In which my crew of fellow mochileros and I decide to take the festivities of El Petronio Álvarez — a 5 day folkloric music festival in Cali, Colombia dedicated to all things Afro-colombian of the pacific coast — to the next level… And when I say ” next level” I really mean […]
Foto del Día: Reading (En Español) Frees You in Cali, Colombia

Reading (en español) Liberates You!!!
Foto del Día: Buscando Luz en La Catedral de Sal – Zipaquirá, Colombia

Just a few images from La Catedral de Sal de Zipaquirá, Colombia – a giant roman catholic church built within the tunnels of a salt mine over 2oo meters underground. Amazing shadows. Amazing textures. Very fun to photograph.
Foto del Día: Getting Lost in Los Campos de Huila, Colombia (w/Elsa y La Vaca Curiosa)

Sometimes it can be so much fun to get lost walkin’ ’round the countrysides of unfamiliar places… And stop for a chat and snap with curious cows in los campos de Huila, Colombia. Este Amor No Tiene Fin.
Foto del Día: Friday Portrait Series – El Trompista de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

I love shooting portraits. People always make for interesting and dynamic photos. This sequence was captured of a trumpet player who blew his horn for all of Cartagena to hear from up top El Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas– an enormous Spanish fortress originally built in the 1600’s to protect the famous […]
Foto del Día: Challenging Gravity at La Mitad del Mundo (w/Clara)

Due to certain phenomena that occurs along the line that divides the northern and southern hemisphere (a.k.a the Equator) gravity can actually help you balance an egg — stand it straight up — over the head of a nail, as the yolk is being pulled straight down towards the center of the Equator. […]
Foto del Día: Quilatoa Bus Travel Bliss In The Ecuadorian Andes (w/ Luís)

For me, this photo screams L-I-B-E-R-T-A-D!!! I like to think it captures a certain feeling of freedom, that certain kind of slipperiness and looseness and possibility enjoyed by those who, well, like to move! “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” […]
Introducing La Foto del Día: Daily Travel Photography From Latin America and Beyond on

“Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliott Erwitt Welcome to “La Foto del Día“of! This post marks the beginning of what I like […]