My first introduction to the great Italian Sea Captain, Christopher Columbus (a.k.a Cristóbal Colón), began with the following poem, recited by my 5th grade elementary school class, on his official day of remembrance: “In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships and left from Spain; He sailed through sunshine, […]
Foto del Día: Una Oda al “Llapingacho” – Traditional Cuisine from the Ecuadorian Highlands
Just a little Photo-Ode to probably what is one of the greatest “comidas típicas” (traditional foods) of the Americas, namely the highland regions of Ecuador — “El llapingacho:” Fried mashed potato pancakes stuffed with cheese (Se me hace agua la boca!!! It makes my mouth water!!!) A typical plate of Llapingacho is usually served with: Chorizo […]