Never Silence Yourself…
Camera: Canon Rebel T1i
Lens: Sigma 17-50mm, f/20
Focal Length: 17 mm
Exposure settings: 1/1000 sec at f/4.0, ISO 400

Dos colombianos de Cali representando su “Tumbao” or “style” por las calles de Quito…
Camera: Canon Rebel T1i
Lens: Sigma 17-50mm, f/20
Focal Length: 30 mm
Exposure settings: 1/2500 sec at f/3.5, ISO 400

Más “tumbao” al estilo Quito-Michigan-Wu-Tang…Very possible that this man is my quiteño brotha-from-anotha-mutha…
Camera: Canon Rebel T1i
Lens: Sigma 17-50mm, f/20
Focal Length: 20 mm
Exposure settings: 1/400 sec at f/4.0, ISO 200
In good colombian, the word “tumbao” (one of my favorite palabras colombianas) is used to refer to one’s style, flavor, swagger, swing, etc, particularly in movement in dance.
However, you can find “tumbao” all over the place.
And so on that note, I say via painted walls and street portraits —
No te calles jamás… (Never silence yourself)
Express yo’ tumbao!!!